Be Patient, Be Present, Be Joyful ~ A Book Review by Tim Kubiak

Time to take a break from Fall Tour and check in for some feedback!

So blessed to come across this unsolicited review of my book 'Be Patient, Be Present, Be Joyful: A First-Aid Kit for the Emotional Bumps, Scrapes, and Bruises of Life Paperback' by Tim Kubiak.

I was blessed to be a guest on Tim's podcast Bowties and Business a couple of weeks ago and as a thank you for his hospitality I sent him a copy of my book.

I'd love to reciprocate his kind words about my book, by having you stop by this link and check them out.

I always say I wrote this book for myself as much as I did for the rest of the world, and to see that intention being reflected back to me in this way is something that brings so much gratitude into my life experience.
